What Angels Do
Additional praises/significant happenings this past week:
Ice Breaker: Who was the most surprising person to ever show up at your door?
Angels Worship God (read psalm 103:20-21)
- When we come together to sing and praise the Lord, are we (i.e. as humans) alone in this? Why or why not?
- How might envisioning worship as the joining of human hearts and a host of angelic spirits draw us into the reality of the spiritual realm and the splendor of worship?
Angels Bring Messages From God (read Acts 27:21-24)
1. This angel’s task was to bring a message from God, a word of assurance to Paul. Have you ever felt that an angel delivered a message to you?
2. How would you respond if someone told you he/she had received a message from an angel, but you know the message contradicted the Gospel? (see Galatians 1:8)
3. Christians should not seek messages from angels but should not discount that God can still use angels as messengers. Why doesn’t God usually direct us this way? Discuss how God communicates with people today.
Angels Help God’s People (read Acts 12:6-11 )
1. Pretend that you were Peter, how might you have reacted physically and emotionally?
2. How can knowledge about the help of angels be assuring for believers?
Angels Will Gather God’s People at Christ’s Return (read Mark 13:26-27 )
1. Why is this task given to angels . . . why did Jesus include this detail in describing His return?
Angels Will Be Agents of God’s Final Judgement (read Matthew 13:39b-42 )
1. How will angels distinguish between the “weeds” and the “wheat”?
Wrap up: How has this study increased your view of God and the work of His angels?
· For one another
· For our personal outreach this week
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