Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Series about Angels - GOD’S SPECIAL HELPERS

OK, last nights study was awesome, and wraps up the last in that series. We will be starting a new series next week on angels, this topic has always been one of my favorites and I hope everyone will find it intriguing...

Here is next week's study if you would like to check it out before Tuesday.

ANGELS: GOD’S SPECIAL HELPERS                           

Questions About Angels

Additional praises/significant happenings this past week:

Ice Breaker:  How often do you think about angels?

Do Angels Exist? (read Psalm 148:2-5; Matthew 26:50-54)

1.      The Bible presents angels as real created beings without trying to prove their existence.  They were created to serve God.  What support for their existence do we find in these verses?

2.      Why do we sometimes forget that angels are for real?  How does accepting this truth change your ideas about angels?

How Are Angels Different From Humans?  (read Luke 20:34-36; Hebrews 1:14)

1.      What differences do we find between angels and humans from these references?

2.      Most of today’s media portray angels as having many human qualities, e.g. getting tired, frustrated, confused, falling in love, becoming emotionally involved with people, handsome and muscular, etc.  However the Bible usually describes them based on the task they are performing for God and does go into great detail explaining what they are like.  What dangers are there in portraying angels essentially as humans with special powers?

3.      What qualities about angels are the most important to remember?

Does Everyone Have A “Guardian Angel”? (read Psalm 34:7; 91:11; Matthew 18:10 )

1.      Many people believe that every person has a guardian angel assigned to watch over their welfare.  The title is not used in the Bible.  Biblical evidence about “guardian” angels is ambiguous at best.  What do these verses tell us about 1) God,  2) angels,  3) mankind? 

2.      Is the promise of angelic protection for all people?

Do Angels Have Special Powers? (read 2 Peter 2:9-11 )

1.      Peter’s point is that even good angels do not presume to judge the fallen angels (see 2:4) for that authority is reserved for God alone – not for people or even angels.  Peter reminds us that angels have more power that we have but are they all-powerful?  What limits are there on angelic powers?

2.      Why should we not overemphasize angels and their powers?

Wrap up:   How has this study affected your attitude toward angels?  Toward God?

·        Ministry to one another

·        For God’s handiwork in orchestrating our outreach efforts

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