Building Trust
How can I help build a trusting community?
Ice Breaker: What was the most significant thing that happened in your life this week?
Be Trustworthy (read Psalm 15)
1. Psalm 15 describes a person of integrity. Discuss the “marks of a trustworthy person” listed . . . why and how they factor into trustworthiness.
2. If you trust God, is it easier to trust other people? Why or why not?
3. If there was one area you could use some help, what would it be? Which “Fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22-23) might be an answer for that need?
Be Willing To Trust Others – Build Teamwork (read Exodus 18:13-23)
1. What was the problem? What was the plan? Benefits? What were the main qualities Moses was to look for in his helpers?
2. Finish this sentence: “Trusting others is hard because . . .?”
3. Share about a time when circumstances forced you to depend on others. How did you feel? How did it change you?
4. Discuss how we might find the right balance between our leadership responsibilities and delegating some responsibilities to others?
5. How do you see these principles applied in Small Groups like ours?
Wrap up:
Ø Choosing one or the other, would you be more inclined to ask God to be more “trustworthy” or more “trusting”?
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