Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Awesome Study Last Night - Here's Next Week's Study!

Wow, what an awesome study last night, I sure enjoyed it... What do we have to worry about if we are in God's hands, right? What awesome things we can do if we all work together to advance the Kingdom of God... awesome!

Hope to see everyone next week and bring a friend!  Here's what we will be discussing next week.

Called to Follow Jesus

The Call to Difficult Discipleship

What can I expect to experience as Jesus’ Disciple?

Bible Truth: Jesus calls people to a demanding way of life that can be lived only in complete dependence on His presence and strength.

*Just for fun: If you had to move and could only take 3 things with you, what would you take?

Jesus Disciples Encounter Conflict (Mark 2:3-12; 3:2, 6)
  1. Why didn’t Jesus just heal the man like everyone expected . . . what new insight about himself is he revealing? Why are the teachers so upset? What was at stake? (See Lev. 24:13-16)

  1. Even so, how does Jesus respond to them? (see also Mark 3:3-5)

  1. Complete this statement: “The most difficult thing that could happen to me as a follower of Christ is…“

    And, “Opposition that I
    have experienced as a Christian was . . . “

Jesus’ Disciples Experience Joy and Sorrow (Mark 2:18-20)
  1. Jesus used feasting and fasting to illustrate the “joys” and “sorrows” that believers would experience. Why do you think He used these examples . . . how do they relate to joy and sorrow? How might they apply to us today?

  2. How can believers prepare for times of hardship, sorrow, or difficulty (e.g. loss of job, sickness, ridicule, etc.)? Can one prepare for this? (see Romans 12:17-21)

  3. How does God use painful events to teach us and grow us into more mature disciples? Can you share an example from personal experience?

Jesus’ Disciples Need To Draw Strength From His Presence (Mark 6:42-44; 8:8-10; 8:14-21)
  1. What is Jesus’ point in highlighting the baskets of food that remained after feeding the 5000 and the 4000? What should the disciples understand about Him from those experiences?

  2. How are the disciples like and unlike the Pharisees? (vv. 11-12)

  3. What does Matthew 11:28-30 mean to you personally?

Review/Personal Application:
  • What truth can you put into practice this week?

Care and Prayer: How can we help one another through prayer?

  • If you had friends who would take you to Jesus for healing today, what kind of healing would you ask for? (Physical, spiritual, emotional, relational)

  • Is there a need you are having difficulty believing Jesus can meet?

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