Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Next Week's Bible Study

Here is next weeks Bible study, so you can look it over if you like...

Called to Follow Jesus

The Call for Obedient Response

How should I respond to Jesus’ call to discipleship?

 Bible Truth:  Jesus’ authoritative call to discipleship demands prompt response, total commitment to him, and
                      readiness to work with His other disciples.

*Just for fun - Finish this statement,  “A time I took a big chance but it paid off was… “

Obey Readily   or   “Compliance”     (Mark 1: 16-20)
1.      One of today’s prevalent attitudes is for people to “keep their options open.” What does this phrase really mean? What are some ways / why do people put this attitude into practice?

2.      What do you think Jesus meant when He said, “Come, follow Me”?

3.      Although the disciples Jesus called had prior contact with Him, they made an immediate decision to follow Him when He called them. Did you respond to Jesus’ call immediately, or did you wait? Why?

4.      Jesus used the illustration of “fishers of men” when calling fishermen. What illustration might Jesus use if He were calling you from your current profession?

     What was the main idea that Jesus had in mind when He said, “I will make you fishers of 

Commit Totally  or  “Commitment”           ( Mark 2: 13-14)
1.      What do we know about Levi?

2.      What differences / similarities do you see in the response of Levi compared to the fishermen?  (Consider their costs in committing to follow Christ.)

3.      Discuss the insecurities/fears people might experience in total commitment to Christ. How do these compare to the security/assurances we have as a devoted follower of Christ.

Join Others To Do Jesus’ Work    or      “Cooperation”            (Mark 3: 13-19)
1.      What are the two purposes given for Jesus selecting the 12?

2.      What does it mean to be “with Him”? To be “sent out” by Him?

3.      Do you think the disciples found working with each other easy? Discuss the advantages and for Jesus calling such diverse and ordinary people?

4.      How can we team up to do Jesus’ work, what does that mean to you?

Review/Personal Application

Ø      Is there an area where you are afraid to totally commit to Jesus that you need to pray about?

Care and Prayer:  How can we help one another through prayer

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Welcome to Our Small Group

This is what we discussed tonight, awesome discussion!

Called to Follow Jesus

Jesus’ Authority to Call Disciples

By what authority does Jesus call me to be His disciple?

*Just for fun – When the mail comes, what do you open and read first?

Jesus Authority Is Based On His Deity (Mark 1:1)
  1. What is meant by “Deity”?

  1. The name “Jesus” identified Him as Savior; the title “Christ” presented Him as the Messiah (deliverer and ruler of the Jews). But as “Son of God”, Jesus’ Sonship designated Him as supernatural.

    How do the following verses affirm Jesus’ deity?

John 1:18
John 5:22, 23
John 10:10
John 10:28-30
John 10:31, 37-38
Matthew 26:28
Matthew 28:18

  1. What is the most compelling evidence to you personally that Jesus is God? Why?

Jesus’ Authority Is Revealed In His Power To Transform (Mark 1:2-8)
  1. What does the phrase “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit” mean? Discuss how this relates to Jesus’ ability to transform people. Give examples from the Bible . . . from your own personal experience.

Jesus Authority Was Confirmed By God’s Endorsement (Mark 1:9-11)
  1. Identify how these verses make reference to the three persons of the Trinity. Discuss the significance of the Trinity in terms of Jesus’ authority to call disciples.

    *Mark 9:2-7 depicts a similar endorsement

  1. Look at two other references of Jesus’ existence prior to Marks’ testimony. How do they confirm His authority?
    John 1:1,14 Genesis 1:26; 3:22

Jesus Authority Is Demonstrated by His Victory Over Temptation
(Mark 1:12-13; Hebrews 4:14-16)
  1. What does it mean to be tempted?

  1. Why would the Spirit lead Jesus into a time of temptation?

  1. Do you think the Holy Spirit leads believers into periods of temptation today? Why or why not? (see James 1:13; 1 Thessalonians 3:5)

  1. What are some promises of God for when we face temptation?

    1 Corinthians 10:13 Hebrews 2:18; 4:16

  1. How does Jesus’ victory over temptation reinforce His authority to call us His disciples?

Review/Personal Application:
  • What did I learn about God or myself?

  • What did I learn that I can use today?

Care and Prayer: How can we help one another through prayer?